How to start SEO from basics

How to start SEO from basics

Many times, maybe you have guessed how to start SEO from scratch. We often find ourselves having to help authors and writers or entire teams to write performant content. Its mission is to generate posts, papers, and articles for organic positioning. Working to develop content that ranks organically basically means showing up on Google without paying for clicks. That is, occupying the first search places for content quality and structure. 

Therefore, my mission is to guide them in the different tasks, steps, and techniques that combine the need to generate quality content for readers, which at the same time are considered compliant by search engines. That is SEO. It has two faces. One face is On-Site SEO or all SEO techniques that you can apply to your website. The other is Off-Page SEO, related to your website pages’ quality of in and out references (links).

How to start SEO from scratch

How to begin working on SEO
How to begin working on SEO

We will start with SEO On-Site, which covers two large groups of tasks. Assignments applicable to content and meta information and those related to server-related enhancement. Wich is more in the field of a systems architect type than a content creator.

Consequently, we are going to start with the topics related to content and metadata. In addition to being my area of ​​expertise, it is the most basic. Hence the title of the post. Therefore, and as I wrote at the beginning, the basics of content-oriented SEO On-Site is:

Develop different tasks, steps, and techniques that mix the need to generate quality content for readers and search engines.

The basics and #1 in SEO Onsite is the amount of content

There is a no-go in terms of the content length that search engines take as a “quality” parameter when evaluating an article. The minimum is 300 words. My personal experience tells me that beyond 400 words, the more chances of being ranked first you have.

Long content is not to write anything.

Therefore, it is clear that six hundred words are not to write anything. There are other basic rules, in addition to the number of words, must be followed.

Basic tips for SEO

  • Start in SEO is not linear and implies several aspects to cover, and as we saw before, the number of words does not guarantee success.
  • Nor is it an exact science; it is not only SEO On-Site or SEO Offsite. It is not one thing or the other. There are a bunch of variables to see in parallel.
  • But in SEO on-site, it is more important to follow some basic rules, perseverance, and research. Techniques change at the pace of Google’s algorithms.
  • Organically positioning content (without paying)takes about six months unless we have a high Volume blog production or a very active brand community takes about six months.
  • The minimum content to start positioning in search results takes eight and sixteen months; writing four excellent articles per month.
  • More than four hundred words. Preferably more than six hundred.
  • Titles H1, H2, and H3 have short sentences and no more than 150 words between subtitles. Less than that, Google considers it low-quality content.
  • Ideally, the keyword should appear between three and four times. No more, no less, and this could change according to the length of the text.
  • Those keywords must appear in the H1 (Main Title). Also, in h2 and the URL and meta description of the article. Finally, it must appear in the ALT attributes of the images.


Follow these essential tips, and for sure, you’ll know how to start SEO techniques. You will see as time passes, and the more you write, your content will appear before others in search engine res. While that happens, they can run a good SEO analysis program that tells them what kind of help they can ask the systems with some tricks from the server’s back and significantly improve the online customer experience.

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