Three Things To Do After Launch Your Website

Three Things You Must Do After Launch Your New Website | Como lanzar un sitio web

We wrote about things you can’t miss before launching a new website in one of our first articles. Now, we touch on what to do after that.

Most likely, you are in a state of anxiety at this stage, waiting for those magic numbers from your new website to boost your business success. However, things often don’t work out right from the start in the real world, no matter how long it took to get things right before you put your site online.

So, we start to review three essential things to do immediately after going online with your website.

Online channels work just like real life, but with one big difference. You can amplify your message or activity faster and more widely.

Photo by KOBU Agency on Unsplash

1: Use social networks as a channel, not as a target.

The most common mistake here is misunderstanding the goal and putting social media at the center of your strategy instead of your website.

Think of it in real terms; if you open a new business on an isolated, non-commercial street with no marquee or advertising in the local newspaper or flyer campaign. And instead, you spend part of the budget on decorating more and more the interior and exterior of your store and buy articles of irrelevant aesthetics. Who will visit you beyond your next-door neighbors?

So, with these previous bases established, we can develop some steps to avoid making these types of mistakes.

  • Open social media accounts relevant to your business profile and put your website address – URL – in every description. When we talk about relevance, we mean, and it’s only a simple example, that if you have a B2B business, it may be a great idea to forget facebook and go direct to LinkedIn.
  • Do not publish anything if every post links directly to your web, contact page, or online store product. That’s the simplest way to miss the focus of posting beauty or funniest and engaging posts without driving traffic to your website.
  • Put social media icons of every open account on your website to generate cross-traffic and confidence from the audience.

2: Don’t forget the Content. Stills remain the king.

For sure, your new website is quite beautiful. It has all the information required to reach and engage your audience. Your shopping cart is easy-to-use, and leads will get to the checkout page in more than two or three clicks. 

But you need to bring buyers to the site, and you will have to face the dilemma of the entrepreneur: Pay to have traffic or be found on Google without paying for it (organic traffic)? But think about it for a moment. Wouldn’t it make more sense if you could find a balance between organic and paid traffic? The critical question here is how can such harmony be achieved?

And the solution is Content! A news or blog section on your webpage is mandatory. While paid ads or posts will help at the beginning to get traffic. You cannot have a sustainable business only based on a paid strategy. Thus, writing valuable and evergreen Content helps your potential audience answer the questions they ask in the google search box: this bost an emotional link, recall, brand presence, loyalty, and highly probable future buyers.

3: Don’t fall into the micromanagement mistake.

Whether you are a beginner in business or an experienced manager, micromanagement is there around the corner. And is so easy to fall in.

Along this article, we touch, in other words, a bunch of areas of digital marketing. Each of these requires specific knowledge and methodology to be applied successfully.

SEOSEMSMM (particularly social media advertising), UXCRO are some disciplines we mention in this article without saying them directly by name. For this reason, in your well-intended and enthusiastic motivation to reach your goals, you could try to do it all by yourself or with non-professional help.

The most important thing to remember now that you have your website online is that you cannot focus on your business and all these areas simultaneously. Delegating is the key, and you can do it in various ways, depending on the initial launch budget and the business plan you should have planned before launching it. Let’s see some tips:

How to avoid micromanagement when you launch your website

  1. Hire a partial time analyst with proven skills in some of these disciplines. Don’t try to embrace all these areas at the same time. It could be better to start with baby steps. For example, with social ads, continue with a blog to improve your organic – non-paid – content strategy. Once you have gained know-how and profits, it’s a perfect moment to follow with another step in your plan.
  2. Find external knowledge. It happens very frequently that you have to solve more than one issue simultaneously. At this point, it does not matter if you are a small or medium-sized entrepreneur or the digital marketing director of a large corporation. It isn’t easy to count on people with all digital marketing knowledge. That’s the perfect moment to hire a partner agency to set goals, delegate tasks, and track achievements.
  3. Finally, don’t make the most common mistake in the digital world. Don’t involve that young son, nephew, or neighbor, who is “very good with technology.” Having an online website requires professional knowledge. It demands professionalism and a rigorous growth plan. You will only see burning dollars each day without realizing your dreams or generating any income if you do that.

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