Launching your new website. Five things you can’t miss before you begin

Launching a new website | lanzar un sitio web

For sure, you are so excited about planning that stunning website to promote and sell with your business. But having a converting and profitable website, it’s not like a piece of cake.

However, it is not a challenging goal to achieve. The good news? This article will review five things that you cannot miss when planning your new website. Let’s start!

1. Don’t leave behind business goals

It’s so easy to deviate your attention in other (Not less important) things, like colors, fonts, photos, animations, and other cool stuff. Those things are fun, right?

But breathe a little and think. What is the most important thing for your business? Sell your products or services in a friendly way for your potential customers. Is it obvious, right? But it doesn’t always seem so elementary, Watson!

Before you start with funny things of visual design, you have to think seriously about reducing the effort of your potential clients to reach the bottom line. Finish the check-out process without pain points and earn money. If you plan these interactions well and accurately from scratch, not only will you increase customer loyalty. Plus, you’ll save money on website redesign and future development hours.

2. Don’t forget to integrate the analysis toolbox into your website

Earn money selling online is fantastic. Knowing how much you sold and what is the cost of each sale is incredible! 

Nowadays, web analytics tools do not imply you have to find a budget deep in your pockets. Toolsets like Google Marketing Platform give you everything necessary to take your online business with data-based decisions. Some of the key and essential Google tools that you must have are:

We will surely go deeper into these Google tools in the future. At this moment, the important thing is to know is that you have to get ready to integrate these free tools ready just before announcing your new website.

3. Keep it simple, and don’t let anyone hijack your digital assets

In this paragraph, we will discuss why it is crucial to stay focused on your business.

Keep toxic partners away before Launching your new website

First of all, you most likely don’t have enough time to maintain and create content for your new website. Therefore, you will need to build it on a platform that is easy to maintain and update.

Second, you need to make sure that no one can hijack your digital assets, such as access to register a domain name or renew it. In other words, the address that the audience will type in the Google address bar to get there. The place where your website will be (Hosting). And the keys that allow you to upload new content yourself or hire and change a digital marketing agency in the future, in case you want to delegate those tasks.

4. Set the brand guidelines

Do you have a brand manual? A brand manual is a fundamental tool for a new business because it guides into logos, applying them, and other online and offline branding elements. But things like fonts, brand colors, backgrounds, buttons, cards, stationery, and other materials are crucial to start selling. All of them must have a communicational coherence both on your website and outside of it.

5. Don’t take content lightly

Content continues to rule the web. Content remains to be the King. Please don’t take it lightly or like the last moment topic. Selling online in the twenty-one century is most likely to tell good stories than run intrusive ads. 

However, this doesn’t mean not running ads at all. On the contrary, it means including a good mix between advertisements and good informative content. As shown in the following chart: 

SEO  versus SEM  balance is a crucial factor when you are launching your new website
SEO versus SEM balance is a crucial factor when you are launching your new website

Creating engaging and evergreen content is crucial to success in attraction marketing to achieve that kind of balance. So, don’t take content creation lightly. Finally, to end this short guide, we list a few steps to build an intelligent content creation plan.

  1. Define an editorial line. What is the common thread of your brand’s stories? What tone of communication will your brand have? Neutral, formal, informal, something in between those different tones?
  2. Set up a regular publication calendar.  Google’s bot loves new and frequent content’s actualization. So, keep the discipline and be methodologic with your brand news or blog posts.
  3. Work Hard in Your SEO. How Google will find your pages (SEO), and wherein the search results pages (SERP) will show them. Not is an easy or beginner task. Mastery of SEO skills takes time, many tries and failure intents, and sophisticated software tools. If you don’t have enough skills in your team. It is not a bad idea to get extra knowledge from a dedicated agency.

So far, we have finished our first post. In the following articles, we will go deeper into some of the concepts of this guide. In addition, we will tell a little more about our products and services.

I hope you had a good and pleasant read, and don’t hesitate to contact us.

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